It's a fact that you can't run anyone's life or can't let anyone run yours. You can't rule or be ruled, but the act of an altruism is always superior.
Actually altruism forms the foundation upon which human relations are built. It's an individual's selfless or even self sacrificing regard for the welfare of others. It's truly an act of selflessness.
In order to be great , be lowly and meek. Let's take an example from a tree. When it's laden with fruits it always bends low as it has a great moral of servitude. When a tree can serve others then why can't we. We can choose a sociopath who decides to help someone else despite feeling no empathy for them.
Today's society is built on the assumption that people are fundamentally selfish. We have encouraged selfish frames of mind. Let's go out of our comfort zone, look around and observe who is in need. Let's help them. Let's make them smile. Let's make them comfortable. The act of altruism always encourages individuals to consider all causes and actions and to act in a way that brings about the greatest positive impact based upon their values.
Truly altruistic people do not practice seemingly selfless acts for their own benefit; they do not have motives or desire to get recognition, a reward or even make it themselves feel better.
Some altruistic acts you can start practicing from today…
Treat everyone equally and value them.
Choose to be kind with others (even with yourself).
Water some plants nearby.
Forgive others for their bad deeds.
Participate in charity NGOS and donate for a change.
Give your time and energy to help someone in difficulty.
Give your support for a good cause.
You're actually helping yourself to grow to be a better person too. No matter what the motivation or inspiration is there. Getting out and helping others is the key to selflessness. Your one act of altruism could have a major domino effect.
Real joy is not found in being served but in choosing to serve.