Right To Learn And Educate

Education is not a privilege or a prize which is only distributed to those who can give something back. It is the only way we learn to reason and to question and if along the way we change  the world a little,


Growing up our family never had enough money but our parents insisted that we get a good education. They said they wanted their children to make their own destiny. They believed that we need a solid educational foundation. So they sent us to the best school in our locality that they could afford and worked all day long to pay for it.

Apparently when I was younger I had many times heard my mother silently speaking to God, hoping and praying that she could save for it.

Our education system is nothing but just the statue of large industry where we the middle or lower class families are suffering in abundance. The education we are getting from our schools and colleges is less than  what our parents are paying to this system while dying each and every day.

On one hand our parents tried to make ends meet and on the other hand they taught us how to stand on our own two feet.

At school they taught us the periodic table

At  home our parents taught us how to not table.

At school we learnt that earth was not flat but round

At home our parents taught us that what goes around always comes around.

In physics we learnt that matter is any substance that has mass and takes up space.

At home we learnt that what matters is how we deal with failure, when it is looking directly at our face.

In chemistry we learnt that two hydrogen and one oxygen atom makes up water.

At home we learnt how one + one + one + one makes unity better.

Growing up our family never had enough money but our parents insisted that we get a good education. They said they wanted their children to make their own destiny. They believed that we need a solid educational foundation. Our parents fought this battle bravely to assure that private education was responsible for our learning

But the foundation we got is the strongest load-bearing parts of a building.

Our education had become a privilege when it should have been a right.

and I am sure that my parents weren't the only one with their fangs out in this fight.

That was the 1990's and it is now 2019 in our so called developed nation, with (BETI BACHAO, BETI PADHAO) as one of the most prominent slogans. Save your daughter, educate your daughter where saving and educating was never a part of the same sentence. We can no longer plead for the right to live so we can then demand our right to education. INSTEAD  we demand for the need to educate our sons, our daughters, our children and most importantly our so called leaders of the nation.

Just like our homes

our country might not have enough money

since it's a developing nation.

but just like our parents

we want our leaders to insist

that we get better education.

We all want that each and every individual of our country should be educated and not feel like the last brick in a week, politicized and corrupt foundation.

empty schools / failed schemes

exists because we block education barbed wires of caste, class, privilege and patriarchy.

so the question is how will we correct the damage that is already done?


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